HC Deb 30 October 1945 vol 415 cc216-7
12. Sir John Mellor

asked the Secretary of State for War why 14385263, Private Pullinger, A., 47th Division Battle School, with 22 years'experience in the building trade, including five years as foreman bricklayer, has recently been employed as a batman; and whether he will now be released to resume building.

Mr. Lawson

I am looking into this case and will write to the hon. Member.

Mr. McKinlay

Will the right hon. Gentleman supply information as to when this soldier joined the Forces, and his age and length of service?

Mr. Lawson

This man was in a very late release group because he was indefinitely held at home for particular purposes.

Mr. Stephen

Will the right hon. Gentleman see to it that this trade of officer's batman is abolished altogether?

Flight-Lieutenant Beswick

Was this man released because he was a batman, or because he was a builder?

Mr. Lawson

According to the statement, he is now a batman.

Sir J. Mellor

As there seems to be some interest in this matter, will the right hon. Gentleman tell me when he is ready to give an answer, and I will then put down the Question again?