HC Deb 29 October 1945 vol 415 cc30-1
67. Mr. David Eccles

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he intends to issue directions for the growing of potatoes next year.

Mr. T. Williams

It was announced on 20th July last that, owing to the difficult world food situation, it would be essential to obtain in 1946 approximately the present year's acreage of potatoes, and that, where necessary, this acreage would have to be secured by the service and enforcement of directions.

Mr. Eccles

Yes, but is the Minister aware that many farmers think that the growing of potatoes has been spread over too many different types of land, and that we had better in future concentrate on land that is really suitable?

Mr. Williams

I think the hon. Member will agree that we recognised that situation a few years since, but the urgent need for food of this kind over that period, and at the present time, compels us to grow potatoes on land which otherwise would, perhaps, be utilised for other purposes.

Mr. Snadden

Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether what he has said applies also to sugar beet?

Mr. Williams

Yes, Sir. I think the instructions have already been issued that we shall expect the same acreage for 1946 as we had in 1945.

Sir R. Ross

Will the Minister say that those who grow potatoes in Northern Ireland for the English market will be under no disadvantage, compared with those who grow potatoes in England for the same market?

Mr. Williams

I do not quite see how they will suffer any disadvantage, as they will get the same price for their potatoes.

Sir R. Ross

It is a question of carriage.