HC Deb 25 October 1945 vol 414 c2181
7. Mr. Sparks

asked the Minister of Health what action he proposes to take on the recent Ridley Report on Rent Control.

90. Lieut.-Commander Joynson-Hicks

asked the Minister of Health what action he proposes to take with regard to the recommendations contained in the Report of the Inter-Departmental Committee on Rent Control.

Mr. Bevan

I would refer the hon. Members to the answer given to the hon. Members for Finchley (Captain Crowder) and Swindon (Mr. Reid) on 11th October, of which I am sending them copies.

Mr. Janner

Is the Minister aware of the fact that a considerable amount of difficulty is created in consequence of the very complicated nature of the Acts in question, that poor persons have considerable difficulty in taking their cases to the Court of Appeal, and that it is really necessary something should be done as speedily as possible in order to put the law on this matter on such a footing that every individual in this country will be able to understand it?

Mr. Bevan

I fully appreciate what my hon. Friend has said, but I cannot agree that this matter should take priority over other legislation which the House is being asked to consider this Session. I am, however, preparing a Bill for submission to the House at an early date to deal with certain outstanding difficulties.

Mr. Hopkin Morris

Could the Minister separate the figures for Wales, from those for England in his answer?

Mr. Bevan

If the hon. Member will put that Question down, I shall be pleased to give him an answer.

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