HC Deb 24 October 1945 vol 414 c1995
12. Mr. Turton

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is now in a position to state what action he proposes to take in order to implement the Report on Higher Education in West Africa.

Mr. George Hall

I am in consultation with the Governors of the West African Colonies by whom the reports of the Commission on Higher Education in West Africa are now being studied. Owing to the difficult and complicated issues involved, it is not at present possible for me to say when final decision will be reached.

Mr. Turton

As the Parliamentary Secretary was a member of this Commission, is it necessary to wait for three months before reaching a decision?

Mr. Hall

It is not a question of who were members of the Commission, but of getting the opinions of the Governors who have to administer this scheme.

Mr. Kenneth Lindsay

Is it proposed to make any statement before Christmas?

Mr. Hall

It depends on when we get the views of the Governors upon these Reports.