HC Deb 22 October 1945 vol 414 c1654
4. Mr. Butcher

asked the Minister of War Transport whether steps are being taken to see that road hauliers who surrendered A or B licences during the war are regranted such licences and assisted to secure vehicles.

Mr. Barnes

Applications for A or B licences by operators who held such licences before the war and have surrendered them owing to call-up for the Services or other good reason will be sympathetically considered except where their business has been sold. Similar consideration will be given to applications by such persons for licences to acquire goods vehicles.

Mr. Butcher

Will the right hon. Gentleman give us an absolute assurance that ex-Servicemen shall be granted their licences as of right, and not at the discretion of some official in a regional office?

Mr. Barnes

I am afraid I cannot give an absolute assurance.