HC Deb 18 October 1945 vol 414 cc1362-3
55. Major Beamish

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is satisfied with the working of the Government Training Scheme for ex-Service men and women; what is the maximum capacity of each of the Government Training Centres; how many men and women are at present under training in each centre, and in what trades; how many of these men and women are ex-Service or ex-Merchant Navy; and whether it is proposed to expand the scheme.

Mr. Isaacs

In reply to the first part of the Question I would refer the hon. and gallant Member to my reply to the hon. Member for Moseley (Sir P. Hannon) on 9th October, a copy of which I am sending him. As the other parts of the Question involve statistical information, I will with permission circulate a detailed statement in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Major Beamish

Does the right hon. Gentleman realise that the general public want to know what is going on in this connection, and will he assure the House that wider publicity will be given to this in future?

Mr. Isaacs

Yes, Sir, and I hope the statement I am circulating will give the information required.

Following is the statement:

Centre. Estimated Maximum Capacity. No. in Training. No. of ex-Service, or ex-Merchant Navy, men and women (included in Cols. (3)-(4))
Men. Women.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Aintree 464 58 44
Birmingham 468 196 136
Bristol 400 122 1 94
Edmonton 508 160 7 145
Glasgow 550 143 3 117
Hounslow 1,196 341 9 338
Leeds 550 178 4 135
Leicester 700 160 3 123
Letchworth 874 232 3 151
Manchester 450 168 5 110
Pontefract 225 18 10
Slough 616 246 4 218
Southampton 508 175 2 109
Treforest 325 72 48
Waddon 572 261 10 232
Wallsend 508 221 181
Watford 372 15
9,286* 2,766 51 2,189
* Adaptation work now in hand must be completed before the maximum number of places will be available

Training Courses in Operation in Existing Centres.

Training is now available in existing Centres in the following trades:

Artificial Limb Making

Building Trades (Bricklayers, Carpenters, Painters, Plasterers, Plumbers and Wood Machinists)

Building and Civil Engineering Fitting





Typewriter Repair

Watch and Clock Repairing


and arrangements are being made to extend training to other trades.