HC Deb 16 October 1945 vol 414 c893
5. Mr. Channon

asked the Minister of Labour whether he can now give reconsideration to the position of men who, after four years' service or more in the N.F.S., have been called up for service in the Army, placed in high demobilisation groups and not permitted to count any of their N.F.S. service so far as Army pay rates are concerned.

Mr. Isaacs

I would refer the hon. Member to the reply I gave him to a similar Question on 9th October.

Mr. Channon

Does not the Minister think that these men, in view of their long service, are being rather unfairly treated?

Mr. Isaacs

That is a matter of opinion.

Mr. Norman Bower

Is it not a fact that these men when they were in the N.F.S. were paid on a Service rather than on an industrial basis, and, therefore, surely it is only right that their service in the N.F.S. should be taken into consideration for the purpose of long service pay?

Mr. Isaacs

I think that point is dealt with in the answer which I gave previously, to which I have referred.