HC Deb 15 October 1945 vol 414 c679
40. Colonel Erroll

asked the Minister of War Transport whether he will consider removing the present restrictions on the radius of operation of taxi-cabs and private hire vehicles.

The Minister of Fuel and Power (Mr. Shinwell)

I have been asked to reply. In view of the present petrol position as disclosed in my statement last week, I am unable to withdraw the limitations imposed upon the movement of taxi-cabs and hire cars, since this would mean either that the rations granted to these vehicles would need to be increased or that the normal transport needs of the localities immediately served by these vehicles would not be met.

Colonel Erroll

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that this restriction causes very great inconvenience to the public for a remarkably small saving in petrol?

Mr. Shinwell

That may well be, but if I relaxed the present restrictions it would cause more inconvenience to others.

Sir T. Moore

But really, the right hon. Gentleman cannot get away with it like that. What is the estimated amount of petrol saved by the continued imposition of this restriction?

Mr. Shinwell

If the hon. and gallant Gentleman puts the question down I will give him a reply.

Sir T. Moore

The right hon. Gentleman should have known it.