HC Deb 09 October 1945 vol 414 cc12-3
27. Mr. Jennings

asked the Minister of Labour whether, in view of the shortage of professional students, he will institute a scheme for the release from the Services of professional students who have not had the benefit of deferment, in order to allow them to qualify.

Mr. Isaacs

As the answer is rather long, I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate it in the Official Report.

Following is the answer:

Under the present arrangements, the following students are eligible for release in Class B:

  1. (a) University Arts students of Scholarship standard,
  2. (b) Science students selected by their Universities as being either
  3. (1) students of First Class or high Second Class Honours standard selected as research students or third year students, or
  4. (2) other students selected as of high promise who were called up before the end of their normal deferment and before they had had an opportunity of taking an Honours degree,
  1. (1) gave up their reservation to join the Forces, or
  2. (2) joined the Forces before the present conditions of reservation were in operation, but would have been reserved if they had been in force. Only men in release groups 1–49 (i.e., with substantially three years' service) are eligible. In addition, up to 1,500 theological students nominated by their Church authorities and having at least three years' military service are being released in Class B. I am considering whether it would be possible to extend these arrangements to certain classes of professional students.

79. Mr. Ernest Davies

asked the Minister of Labour, whether he will now reconsider the release of science students whose studies were interrupted by voluntary enlistment in the Armed Forces to enable them to resume their studies.

Mr. Isaacs

Yes, Sir; it has been decided that certain science students shall be eligible for release from the Forces in Class B to enable them to resume their studies at Universities. Those eligible are students in release groups 1to 49 inclusive, selected by their Universities as being in one of the following categories:

First, student of first-class or high second-class honours standard selected as research students or third-year students, and

Second, other students of high promise who were called up before the end of their normal deferment and before they had an opportunity of taking an Honours degree.

Captain Gammans

Will the right hon. Gentleman say if medical students are included?

Mr. Isaacs

I cannot at the moment add anything to what I have said. I will let the hon. and gallant Member know.