HC Deb 27 November 1945 vol 416 c1065
31. Mr. Willis

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if his attention has been drawn to the recent case in which four children were boarded out with a family of seven occupying a room and kitchen and, after six weeks, were found to have been underfed, neglected and dirty; and will he consider what steps can be taken to prevent any recurrence of such cases.

Mr. Buchanan

Yes, Sir. I have called for a full report by my inspectors on the arrangements of the voluntary society who were responsible in this case. Meantime, the society have at my request arranged that no further cases will be handled by the agent concerned until the report has been fully examined. I am also bringing the case to the notice of the committee on the care of homeless children.

Mr. Willis

May I ask my hon. Friend whether any action is being taken to prevent similar cases occurring with other charitable organisations?

Mr. Buchanan

May I say that of all the questions I have had to deal with since I took office, this one possibly has given me more worry than any other. I can tell my bon. Friend that, so far as the Scottish Office is concerned, we are taking every possible step not only in regard to voluntary bodies but also to public authorities to see that there is no abuse of children.