HC Deb 14 November 1945 vol 415 c2112
49. Mr. Follick

asked the Minister of Food whether he will make arrangements to provide additional sweets for children at Christmas, so that they may celebrate the victory parties which will take place then.

50. Mr. Bottomley

asked the Minister of Food, if there is any likelihood of an increased sweets ration, particularly for children, before Christmas.

54. Mr. Sidney Shephard

asked the Minister of Food if he is now in a position to increase the sweets ration.

The Minister of Food (Sir Benjamin Smith)

I am not able to consider any permanent increase, but for the four-week ration period commencing on 9th December I have decided to increase the sweets ration from 12 to 16 ozs. for everyone.

Mr. Follick

Could not allocations be made for children's parties at Christmas?

Sir B. Smith

No, Sir.

Mr. Shephard

Will the Minister do his best to increase the children's sweets ration as soon as he possibly can, even although he cannot make a general increase for adults?

Sir B. Smith

I shall take every favourable opportunity to increase rations both for children and adults.

Mr. Stokes

While I am not disputing in any way the decision of the Minister with regard to the children, is he aware of the consternation that is felt by a large number of people in this country at the decision to increase the general ration at Christmas while Europe starves?

Sir B. Smith

I am sorry, Sir, but my first duty is to the British public.

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