HC Deb 13 November 1945 vol 415 c1905
41. Captain Crowder

asked the Minister of Labour whether members of the V.A.D. released in Class A of the demobilisation scheme will still be subject to direction by his Ministry.

Mr. Issaacs

The position of these women is the same as described in the reply which I gave on 8th November to the hon. and gallant Member for Knutsford (Lieut-Colonel Bromley-Davenport), to which I would refer the hon. and gallant Member.

Captain Crowder

Will the Minister say when he intends to withdraw his powers of directing women? Surely he is not going to keep them for ever.

Mr. Isaacs

I agree that this will not go on for ever, but I would not like to say at the moment when they can be terminated.

Wing-Commander Millington

Is the Minister aware that the scheme for release of V.A.D. nurses is not yet known to the nurses themselves? Many Members frequently get letters from V.A.D.'s who think they have been let down. Will the Minister take steps to make this scheme known?

Mr. Isaacs

We hoped that the information would be issued and spread out from the V.A.D. Departments of the Services.