§ 3. Mr. Pickthornasked the Minister of Works what other premises have been taken over by his Ministry in the course of vacating the London University building; and for what period these premises have been acquired.
§ Mr. TomlinsonNo additional premises have been taken over to enable the London University building to be vacated. The staffs are being rehoused in premises already at the disposal of my Ministry.
§ 5. Sir Harold Webbeasked the Minister of Works how many square feet of office space are under requisition at the address in Westminster, of which he has been informed; by what Departments they are occupied; and what was the average number of staff employed there for each of the last three months.
§ Mr. TomlinsonIn the building in question, which consists of two blocks, my Department holds a total of 332,050 feet super, 274,350 of which are held on requisition and the remainder on lease. The whole of the space is occupied by the Ministry of Aircraft Production and the staffs employed there numbered approximately 3,390 in August, 3,230 in September and 3,130 in October.
§ Sir H. WebbeIs the Minister aware that that rate of occupancy is still less than three-quarters of what is normal in commercial practice? Will he stop this waste of office space?
§ Mr. TomlinsonI will do my best, and am doing so constantly, but one cannot move somebody in more quickly than somebody else moves out.
§ Captain Sir Peter MacdonaldIs it not a fact that the Ministry of Aircraft Production signified their intention of giving up at least one floor of that building to the owners, and were told that another Department proposed to take it over? Will the Minister see that when a Department gives up space it will be returned to the owners?
§ Mr. TomlinsonI have not got that information.
§ Sir P. MacdonaldAsk the Minister of Aircraft Production.
§ 6. Sir H. Webbeasked the Minister of Works how many flats at the address in Westminster, of which he has been informed, are under requisition for office purposes; and how soon it is proposed to make these flats available for civilian accommodation.
§ Mr. TomlinsonSixty-one flats are held on requisition at the address referred to. The staffs now in occupation are shortly to be removed and it is anticipated that the flats will be transferred to the Ministry of Health for housing purposes soon after the end of this month.