HC Deb 13 November 1945 vol 415 c1895
21. Mr. J. J. Robertson

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power if he is in a position to make some increase in the present ration of kerosene for domestic use in rural areas, particularly in Scotland, where during the winter period, the present ration is proving inadequate for lighting purposes.

Mr. Shinwell

I regret that the present supply position does not permit of an increase in the allocations of kerosene at present made to dealers. The position of persons solely dependent upon this fuel for essential domestic needs is, however, safeguarded by a scheme introduced in 1943, under which dealers give priority of supply to such consumers, up to the quantities authorised by my Department. The scales for consumers allowed under the scheme are adequate, and dealers are always enabled to meet the requirements of their priority customers. My Department has received virtually no complaints regarding the adequacy of the priority allocations during the last two years.

Mr. Butcher

Are we to understand that consumers in rural areas are receiving no more in 1945 than they were receiving in 1943?

Mr. Shinwell

I did not say that. What I said was that we have had very few complaints about shortage.

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