HC Deb 07 November 1945 vol 415 cc1263-4
24. Mr. York

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air whether he is aware that because of the amount of overtime worked by the R.A.F. Accounts Section the personnel, while ordered to attend the one hour per day of E.V.T., which consists of general lectures, are not allowed to attend voluntary E.V.T. classes in subjects of use after demobilisation; and if he will take steps to have this altered.

Mr. Strachey

Owing to pressure of work it is not always possible to spare airmen in the Accounts Section for E.V.T. in Service time. I am, however, issuing instructions that in such circumstances the men should not be compelled to attend the weekly—not daily—period of one hour's training in modern citizenship if this results in their being required to work additional overtime in their trade. I am making inquiries to see whether it may be possible to provide E.V.T. facilities for them if they desire to use them in their own time.

Mr. York

Does not the hon. Gentleman realise that the whole of this Section is being subjected to most unfair treatment and will he take active steps to see that they are not forbidden to take part in the voluntary classes?

Mr. Strachey

The Accounts Section has been subjected to very heavy pressure of work—that is perfectly true and inevitable—but we cannot provide them with E.V.T. facilities in Service time because they are so hard worked. We are now going to try and provide them with the opportunity for E.V.T. out of Service hours.

Mr. Hogg

Has the hon. Gentleman considered the case of the man which was put to him some time ago where the Service authorities have offered E.V.T. service on condition that the man forwent his leave, and will he discourage that practice?

Mr. Strachey

If it was a voluntary offer, the man was at liberty to refuse it, and I do not see any objection.

Sir G. Fox

Is the Minister aware that they are not getting their day off a week?