HC Deb 06 November 1945 vol 415 c1062
12. Mr. Harold Sutcliffe

asked the Minister of Works whether he is aware of the position in some districts owing to the call-up or transfer of skilled plumbers which is causing delay in the installation of water supplies and in the repairs to last winter's damage by frost; and what steps he is taking to meet this difficulty.

Mr. Tomlinson

No specific cases of work of the kind referred to being held up have been brought to my attention but if the hon. Member will send me particulars I will have investigations made. I am aware, of course, that, in common with other building trade occupations, there is a shortage of plumbers for building work.

Mr. Sutcliffe

Is not the right hon. Gentleman aware that he has already had a communication from one urban district in my constituency which was sent on from the Ministry of Health stating that no less than 70 houses still had frost damage from last winter unrepaired?

Mr. Tomlinson

I was not aware of that, but I will look into it.