HC Deb 01 November 1945 vol 415 cc593-4
1 Major Peter Roberts

asked the Minister of Health, in view of the feeling of apprehension about the housing position among men returning from the Forces, how many houses of a permanent or temporary nature were completed and occupied in the month ended 30th September, 1945.

The Minister of Health (Mr. Aneurin Bevan)

One thousand two hundred and eighty-two temporary houses were completed and 1,118 were handed over to local authorities in that month. The new records to be available as from January next, as promised in my statement on the 17th October, will provide information as to the number of permanent houses completed.

Major Roberts

Is the Minister aware that in my constituency in Sheffield there are streets, like Franklin Street and Washington Road, where the housing conditions are extremely bad and where action is required; and will he give an assurance that he will speed up the present programme?

Mr. Bevan

Action is being taken every day, but these conditions have prevailed for a very long time.

Captain Prescott

In view of the fact that no figures have been given with regard to permanent houses, is the House to understand that none have been built?

Mr. Bevan

I do not want to ask local authorities to spend their time sending in records. I have already promised the House that at the beginning of the year all these records will be available.

Lieut.-Colonel Dower

In view of the totally inadequate number of houses, will the right hon. Gentleman gave an assurance that he will provide an opportunity for private enterprise, which has built by far the largest number of houses?

2. Major Peter Roberts

asked the Minister of Health whether he has given his staff any instructions by means of which a target for the total number of new houses of all types to be built within the year ending 1st August, 1946, can be ascertained.

Mr. Bevan

I am unable to add anything to what I said on the 17th October on the subject of housing targets.

Major Roberts

Will the Minister say whether he is going to get down to this planning as he has promised; and, if he is going to do any planning, will he give us figures?

Mr. Bevan

I have already explained my policy to the House. There are targets for planning in regard to housing components and materials, but there is no housing programme in the sense in which I was asked about it during the Debate.

Major Roberts

I beg to give notice that I shall raise this matter on the Adjournment.

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