HC Deb 01 November 1945 vol 415 c609
35 Mrs. Leah Manning

asked the Minister of Education when she proposes to announce the constitution and membership of the Advisory Committee on Handicapped Children, the chairman and technical members of which were announced by a previous Minister.

Mr. Hardman

The Committee consists of the chairman, the hon. Member for South Tottenham (Mr. Messer), a vice-chairman and two other members, and was appointed to advise the Minister on such matters relating to children requiring special educational treatment as might be submitted to them or as they might consider required investigation. No occasion has yet arisen for adding to the membership of the Committee but when necessary my right hon. Friend will be ready to make additional ad hoc appointments to enable the committee to consider specific references.

Mrs. Manning

Having regard to the very grave neglect of this problem in the country in the past, and the insufficient provision for handicapped children which exists at present, may I have an assurance from my hon. Friend that the Minister will consider adding to this Committee, not people with theoretical expert knowledge but people who have practical knowledge of the work?

Mr. Hardman

I think the hon. Lady can rest assured that those with expert knowledge and experience will certainly be added to the Committee when required.