HC Deb 30 May 1945 vol 411 cc206-7
34. Sir Frank Sanderson

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of War Transport, whether he can state the amount by which the P.L.A. has increased its port rates on goods since January, 1943; the increase in the dock and harbour dues at Liverpool and the Port of Hull since the outbreak of war; and the increased rate of charges of the four main line railway companies since the outbreak of war.

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of War Transport (Mr. Peter Thorneycroft)

Port rates on goods at the Port of London have, since January, 1943, been increased from 100 per cent. above pre-war to 200 per cent. above pre-war. In the case of other charges made by the port authority, the present increases range from 7½ per cent. to 100 per cent. above pre-war. At Liverpool, the increases above pre-war are, approximately, dock rates on goods 31½per cent., dock rates on vessels 39 per cent., harbour rates on vessels 87½ per cent. As at other railway-owned docks, rates and dues at Hull are 20 per cent. above pre-war, except those on certain coasting liners and their cargoes, which are 7½ per cent. above pre-war. Charges on the four main line railways are generally 16⅔ per cent. above pre-war, but season ticket rates and workmen's fares are only 10 per cent. above pre-war.

Sir F. Sanderson

Can my hon. Friend give an assurance that railway companies will receive the same consideration as other public utility concerns?

Mr. Thorneycroft

The position is somewhat complex and it is hard, and probably unfair, to make a comparison between ports like the Port of London Authority and railways and docks, because entirely different considerations apply.

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