HC Deb 30 May 1945 vol 411 c204
23. Mr. Stokes

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether a decision has yet been taken on the aerodromes to be kept in use in peace time by the R.A.F.; and whether instructions have been given to cease work on the construction or extension of all aerodromes not so scheduled.

Mr. H. Macmillan

As regards the first part of the Question, I have nothing to add to the replies given to the hon. Member for Maldon on 28th February and 16th May last. As regards the second part of the Question, construction or extension is now limited to work needed for transport airfields or for certain other airfields which, in advance of a general decision, it is already clear will remain in use.

Mr. Stokes

Is there any collaboration between the right hon. Gentleman's Department and, for instance, the Admiralty; and is he aware that there are groups of aerodromes where enormous sums of public money have been wasted and which cannot be used in peace-time?

Mr. Macmillan

It is because not all aerodromes are required in peace-time that the work is now being limited to certain aerodromes.

Mr. Stokes

But is there any co-ordination between the Air Ministry and the Admiralty? For instance, in Cornwall there are aerodromes galore on which millions of public money have been spent, and which will be of no use in peace-time.

Mr. Macmillan

There has long been close co-operation between the First Lord and myself, and no doubt it will be continued.

Mr. Lewis

Is the Minister aware that the buildings on some of these aerodromes would be very useful for housing families, and will he see that some aerodromes at any rate will be used for that purpose?

Mr. Macmillan

I will consider that, but the first question to study is how many will be required for airfields.