HC Deb 29 March 1945 vol 409 c1528
42. Mr. Henderson Stewart

asked the Minister of Health if it is with his approval that newspaper and B.B.C. advertisements are being issued calling for architects and surveyors to serve in occupied Germany; and how this appeal is reconciled with the known shortage of these skilled men whose services in the housing programme are in such demand in this country.

Mr. Willink

The advertisements to which my hon. Friend refers were issued by the Minister of Labour and National Service on the recommendation of an Inter-departmental Committee. The Government are fully aware of the need for technical staff in this country and the staff required for the Control Commission will be recruited with due regard to that need.

Mr. Stewart

Is my right hon. and learned Friend aware that, in the opinion of all the local authorities with which I have been in contact, it is a preposterous suggestion to induce British architects and surveyors, who are in such short supply, to go to Germany to rebuild that country?

Mr. Bossom

Is my right hon. and learned Friend aware that the Minister of Labour this morning demonstrated great hesitation about releasing architects and surveyors, and if more are affected in this way will it not jeopardise the success of the housing programme?

Mr. Willink

No one could be more fully aware than I that local authorities should increase their technical staff. On the other hand, the policy of the Government with regard to the control of Germany quite obviously necessitates the use of a proper number of officials in many categories, of which this is one.