HC Deb 28 March 1945 vol 409 cc1368-9
71. Dr. Morģan

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether Sir Philip Bahr is still on the Appointments Advisory Board of his Department, which selects British-born medical men for Colonial appointments; what remuneration is paid for this work, whether by sessional fees or by yearly salary; and on how many such cases in the past seven years has he attended the interviews of medical applicants for Colonial appointments.

The Secretary of State for the Colonies (Colonel Oliver Stanley)

Sir Philip Manson-Bahr has never been a member of the Committee which interviews medical candidates and makes recommendations as to their suitability for appointment to the medical services of the Colonies. This Committee is staffed entirely by members of the Colonial Office.

Dr. Morģan

Is the Minister aware that the statement I have made in my Question is in a Colonial Office publication?

Colonel Stanley

No, Sir, I am not.

72. Dr. Morģan

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether Sir Philip Heinrich Manson-Bahr, a German or Swiss subject, born in Basle in 1881, and now naturalised is still the consultant-physician to his Department and the Crown Agents for the Colonies; whether any age limit is placed on such appointments, especially having regard to the number of British-born subjects now with special knowledge of tropical diseases; and whether such appointments are made after advertisement or by selection, and on whose recommendation.

Colonel Stanley

Sir Philip Manson-Bahr is a British subject who won the D.S.O., while serving with the R.A.M.C., in the last war. He is still one of the consulting physicians to the Colonial Office and to the Crown Agents for the Colonies. These appointments are reviewed annually and there is no age limit. Appointments are made by the Secretary of State in consultation with his medical adviser and, if necessary, with other leading authorities on tropical medicine.

Dr. Morgan

Will the Minister be kind enough to answer my Question?

Colonel Stanley

I think I have answered it rather satisfactorily.

Dr. Morģan

But the words of the Secretary of State for Air were highly unsatisfactory.