HC Deb 28 March 1945 vol 409 cc1357-8
66. Mr. Bossom

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether, in view of the exceptionally interesting historical and antiquarian associations connected with Bodmin Moor, he will select some other bombing range for the use of the R.N.

69. Mrs. Beatrice Wright

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether any decision has been reached regarding the requisition by his Department of land on Bodmin Moor for use as a bombing range.

Mr. Alexander

The Admiralty have decided not to proceed with the project to establish a bombing range on Bodmin Moor. There is close liaison between Government Departments about the requisitioning of land and, in view of public comment on this matter, I can assure the House there was no intention at any time on the part of the Admiralty to establish this bombing range without proper consultation with other Departments representing interests in Bodmin Moor.

Mrs. Wright

Does the Minister realise the great happiness with which this decision will be received in the West Country?

Mr. Glenvil Hall

Surely the Admiralty knew what Bodmin Moor meant? Why did they leave it until now to decide that they would not use it in this way?

Mr. Alexander

The Service Departments know about most of these things before they have to consider special projects, and before the public agitation arose in this case the Admiralty were in touch with other Government Departments concerned in the special interests, of which they were aware, as to how they would be affected.