HC Deb 21 March 1945 vol 409 cc786-7
7. Colonel Burton

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what part of Transylvania has been transferred from Hungary to Rumania; and whether such action has been approved by any of the parties to the Yalta Conference.

Mr. Law

Northern Transylvania up to the pre-war frontier has been transferred to Rumanian administration. This action reverses the Vienna Award of 1941 and is in accordance with the terms of the Armistice signed with Rumania on 12th September, 1944. It is, however, a provisional arrangement and subject to confirmation at the peace settlement. As the conditional return of Northern Transylvania is in accordance with the Rumanian Armistice Terms, there is no necessity for further approval by the parties to the Yalta Conference.

Colonel Sir A. Lambert Ward

Does this practically restore the pre-war frontier between Hungary and Rumania?

Mr. Law

Yes, Sir, that is the position. For administrative purposes Transylvania up to the pre-war frontier has been restored to Rumanian administration, but that is a provisional arrangement which will have to be confirmed at the peace conference.

Mr. Petherick

Will my right hon. Friend point out, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, to Allied Powers that such provisional transfers are highly undesirable at the present time and that it would be far better, from the administrative and from every other point of view, to await the peace treaties?

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