HC Deb 15 March 1945 vol 409 c364
7. Mr. W. J. Brown

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that the loading staff employed by the L.P.T.B. are, with two exceptions, members of the National Passenger Workers' Union, which has applied to him to establish appropriate machinery for discussing these workers' claims, or for their reference to the National Arbitration Board; that both applications have been refused; that the Union has been told that they have the alternative of accepting these decisions or of calling a strike; and whether he will take steps to see that these workmen are given freedom to belong to the union of their choice and their legal right to access to the National Arbitration Tribunal in default of conciliation machinery.

Mr. Bevin

I am advised that the loading reporter grade is covered by the Board's general agreements and that there is ample machinery for determining any question arising. Accordingly, acting under the provisions of the Conditions of Employment and National Arbitration Order, I have requested that the claim should be considered by that machinery and that I should be informed of the result.

Mr. Brown

Is the Minister aware that the agreement to which he refers was never submitted to these men at all; that they are not members of the union and that they have a specific right to join what union they please and to have the facilities for arbitration which this House has laid down?

Mr. Bevin

I would suggest to my hon. Friend that the House of Commons is not a good place in which to settle internecine war between two unions.

Mr. Brown

Is not the House of Commons the proper place—

Mr. Speaker
