§ 52. Mr. Edmund Harveyasked the Minister of Agriculture whether his attention has been called to the loss to students 393 involved in the continued closing of the glasshouses and museums at Kew Gardens; and if he will take steps to open them at an early date and, in the meantime, make some provision for students to have at least a limited access to these collections.
Mr. HudsonIt is the intention of the Director to reopen the houses and museums at Kew as soon as this is compatible with a due regard for public safety and the well-being of the collections. In so far as war-time conditions permit, limited access is being afforded to students for purposes of study.
§ Mr. HarveyWill the right hon. Gentleman give an assurance that the museums which are not covered with glass shall be opened without delay?
Mr. HudsonPerhaps the hon. Member will write me a note on the subject, and I will see what can be done.