HC Deb 14 March 1945 vol 409 c222
40. Captain Gammans

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies if the manufacture of cement in Ceylon is to become a Government monopoly; if it is proposed to raise the import duties on cement; and what will be the estimated percentage increase in the purchase price of cement.

Colonel Stanley

I understand that the Ceylon Government propose to seek expert advice on the technical aspects of the establishment of cement manufacture in the island, and that until the expert's report is available to them no decision will be taken on protective duties or other questions of policy.

Captain Gammans

Do I understand from that reply that it is not anticipated that the making of cement shall be made a Government monopoly?

Colonel Stanley

I think that all the hon. and gallant Gentleman can understand from the reply is that no decision has been or will be taken until an expert has reported.

Colonel Lyons

Is the right hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that there is a shortage of cement in Ceylon now?

Colonel Stanley

Yes, there is in many places.