HC Deb 08 March 1945 vol 408 c2200
5. Sir Herbert Williams

asked the Minister of Labour, whether it is his intention to introduce legislation to deal with the employment of women in hospitals.

Mr. Bevin

I have no such intention at present.

Sir H. Williams

Is my right hon. Friend aware that great resentment was caused by a recent speech of his, in which he referred to "slut-minded charwomen" employed in hospitals; and does that represent his point of view?

Mr. Bevin

I did not know there was any resentment. What I suggested was that the practice of employing charwomen in the manner in which they had been employed, must be ended, and must be put on a proper footing.

Sir H. Williams

Does my right hon. Friend think it fair to describe these charwomen, who have worked under great difficulties during the war, as "slut-minded"?

Mr. Bevin

I did not use the phrase "slut-minded."