HC Deb 08 March 1945 vol 408 cc2211-2
28. Mr. Harry Thorneycroft

asked the Minister of Health whether he is now in a position to announce the names of the persons appointed to the committee of inquiry set up to consider and report on the practicability of controlling or regulating the price at which dwelling-houses may be sold.

Mr. Willink

Yes, Sir. I am glad to be able to inform the House that Mr. John Morris, K.C., has agreed to act as Chairman of the Committee and, with permission, I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT the names of the members who have agreed to serve.

Mr. Thorneycroft

Will it be permissible for Members to submit to the Committee letters they have received from their constituents on this subject?

Mr. Willink

I am sure the Chairman will welcome the receipt of such letters.

Mr. Bowles

Can we know the terms of reference of this Committee? Do they specifically include the right to inquire into the need for retrospective action?

Mr. Willink

The terms of reference were announced by the Lord President of the Council on 13th February. They are as follow: To consider, and report, whether it is practicable to control effectively the selling price of houses with or without vacant possession and to prevent undue financial advantage being taken of the present housing shortage; and, if so, what measures should be adopted to effect such objects."—[OFFICIAL REPORT, 13th February, 1945; Vol. 408, c. 29.]

Mr. Bowles

Yes, I was aware of that, but would the right hon. and learned Gentleman see that the terms are extended to make them retrospective?

Mr. Willink

I cannot possibly, without notice, and in reply to a supplementary question, consider the extension of the terms of reference.

Following are the names of the Members:

Committee on the Control of the Selling Price of Houses

  1. 1. Mr. John Morris, K.C. (Chairman).
  2. 2. Mr. H. W. Butcher, M.P.
  3. 3. Commander T. D. Galbraith, M.P.
  4. 4. Mr. L. Silkin, M.P.
  5. 5. Mr. W. S. Allison.
  6. 6. Mr. Leslie Raymond, F.S.I., F.A.I.
  7. 7. A representative of the local authorities.

41. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Minister of Health if he is aware that small house property continues to be offered and sold at three and more times its pre-war value; and whether prospective legislation to deal with this problem is to be applied retrospectively.

Mr. Willink

As already announced, my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Scotland and I are appointing a Committee to consider the practicability of controlling the selling price of houses. The question of legislation, and its scope, will be considered in the light of the findings of that Committee.

Mr. Sorensen

Will the right hon. and learned Gentleman answer the latter part of my Question, as to whether legislation will be applied retrospectively? Numerous houses are now being sold for three or four times their value, and can nothing be done about it?

Mr. Willink

The latter part of my hon. Friend's Question postulates prospective legislation. We have appointed this Committee to consider whether legislation will be practicable.

Mr. Sorensen

Will it be applied retrospectively, to deal with houses now sold at abnormal prices?

Mr. Willink

I cannot say what the contents of the legislation will be until I know whether there will be legislation.

Mr. Moelwyn Hughes

Will my right hon. and learned Friend give instructions to the Committee to expedite the report?

Mr. Willink

I have intimated to the chairman that I hope he will proceed as rapidly as possible.

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