HC Deb 08 March 1945 vol 408 c2196
6. General Sir George Jeffreys

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is satisfied that officers who have been called on to resign their commissions on account of inefficiency or misconduct are at once directed either to service in the ranks or to other work of national importance; and how long a period elapses before such ex-officers are so directed.

Mr. Bevin

Officers who relinquish their commissions for reasons other than medical unfitness are, if within effective age for calling-up, required to register or re-register under the National Service Acts. They have the usual statutory rights under the Acts and are subject to the normal deferment arrangements. In addition, those officers who have not had their commissions terminated because of misconduct are given the opportunity of making representations against being called up for service in the ranks. Such representations are considered on merits by my Department in consultation with the Service Department concerned. I am satisfied that there is no undue delay in dealing with these cases, but if my hon. and gallant Friend has any particular case in mind I shall be pleased to look into it.

Sir G. Jeffreys

Is my right hon. Friend aware that there have been reported cases of ex-officers of this description going about doing nothing for some considerable time after they have resigned their commissions? I will certainly send information to him.