HC Deb 07 March 1945 vol 408 cc2007-8
29. Mr. McNeil

asked the Minister of Aircraft Production for what reasons he decided to site the new research station in or near Bedford.

Sir S. Cripps

The siting of such an establishment bearing in mind the need for future development is a matter of great difficulty and there are very few places in the British Isles that are suitable. After a careful review of all possible sites, and consultation with all other Departments concerned, it was decided that the new Establishment should be set up near Bedford since that site best fulfils requirements, and in particular because:

  1. 1. It is reasonably near, and easy of access from, London, the principal aircraft works and the Universities in Oxford, Cambridge and the Midlands.
  2. 2. A large existing airfield is available with good flying approaches and it will be possible to extend at least one run-way to the great length that may ultimately be required for such an experimental establishment.
  3. 3. Weather conditions in this area are favourable for flying.
  4. 4. The site allows an architectural layout adequate to the needs of the Establishment and,
  5. 5. Electric power can be made available to meet the very heavy load expected to be required.

Mr. McNeil

While thanking my right hon. and learned Friend for his very long and explicit answer, may I ask him whether he does not agree that, since His Majesty's Government are attempting to attract private enterprise into the development areas, there is an overwhelming case for His Majesty's Government doing the same with this establishment? Moreover, is he not aware that there are other runways and other railways—and also other universities than those of Oxford, Cambridge and London?

Sir S. Cripps

I am quite aware of that. A very careful review was made of all the development areas but unfortunately it was ascertained that in none of them were the circumstances suitable.

Mr. A. Bevan

Can we take it for granted that this will not be laid down by the Government as a reason for establishing other Government works, as it is entirely against all the principles of national planning of industry in which we believe?

Sir S. Cripps

This is not a Government works. This is a research establishment, which has to be in very close association with the headquarters staff and it is one of the matters which must be borne in mind, with a view to avoiding waste of time in traffic.

Mr. J. J. Lawson

Is the Minister aware that proximity to London has been the reason for establishing almost every factory there during the last 10 years, in spite of the position in the depressed areas?

Sir S. Cripps

That has not been so with the new factories which my Department have put up, many of which have been in the depressed and development areas.

Mr. Buchanan

Where is there a university outside Oxford and Cambridge, in this country?

Sir S. Cripps

There are a large number, many of them equally good.

Mr. McNeil

Will the right hon. and learned Gentleman be willing to receive a delegation from the West of Scotland to discuss the difficulty, and to see whether we can help him out a bit?

Sir S. Cripps

I am afraid it would be of no value. We have very thoroughly examined the West of Scotland for this purpose.