HC Deb 06 March 1945 vol 408 c1814
31. Mr. Ellis Smith

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power what action is being taken to bring about a great increase in the supply of electric power as soon as possible on the termination of hostilities; and have steps been taken to increase to its utmost the productive capacity of power plant production for home consumption and for export.

Mr. T. Smith

I regret that I have nothing to add to the reply which my right hon. and gallant Friend gave to my hon. Friend on 20th February.

Mr. Ellis Smith

Does my hon. Friend agree that post-war industrial efficiency will depend on the availability of large supplies of electric power at as cheap a rate as possible, and, if so, what action is being taken to plan to bring that about?

Mr. T. Smith

I can give an assurance to my hon. Friend that all is being done that can be done to see that existing capacity is sufficiently worked and that extra capacity is extended as quickly as possible.

Sir H. Williams

Is not my hon. Friend sorry now that the Central Electricity Board cancelled such a lot of plant a few years ago?