HC Deb 01 March 1945 vol 408 c1546
25. Captain Duncan

asked the Minister of Health whether the condition of granting loans to Metropolitan Borough Councils in order to prevent serious increases in their rates, that the precepts of the London County Council and the Receiver of the Metropolitan Police district should be paid before the end of the financial year concerned, is still operative.

Mr. Willink

While no precise conditions as to the payment of precepts of the London County Council and the Receiver of the Metropolitan Police were imposed by my Department in connection with the financial assistance afforded to the councils of Metropolitan Boroughs, there was a clear understanding that, having regard to the cash basis on which moneys were to be advanced, such precepts would be met with reasonable promptness and that understanding has been in no way modified.

Captain Duncan

Does my right hon. and learned Friend realise that that was not given in the answer last week, which was the reason for the Question this week?