§ 34. Mr. G. Straussasked the First Lord of the Admiralty on what principle the selection of newspapers and periodicals distributed to ships of the Royal Navy through the "Charity Mail" is made; and which papers are accepted and which banned.
Mr. AlexanderThe packets of newspapers and periodicals, sometimes unofficially referred to as the "Charity Mail," are distributed to the Fleet with the object of providing recreational reading matter for personnel in His Majesty's Ships. They comprise 16 weekly, 3 808 monthly and 2 quarterly publications, selected from amongst those which are considered likely to have the widest popular appeal.
§ Mr. StraussMay I ask whether there is any political discrimination in the papers that are supplied, and whether some are banned because it is thought that their politics are not favourable? Is there any political discrimination whatsoever?
§ Mr. SorensenIs there any Co-operative paper in this arrangement?
§ Mr. SpeakerThere is an extraordinary tendency to-day to debate every Question. We have spent three-quarters of an hour and have only got to Question 34.
§ Mr. StraussIn the second part of my Question, I asked for the names of periodicals. Could the right hon. Gentleman publish them in the OFFICIAL REPORT?
§ Following are the publications:
§ Weekly:
- Weekly Sketch.
- Weekly Times.
- Illustrated London News.
- Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News.
- Sphere.
- Punch.
- Sunday Graphic.
- Hampshire Telegraph.
- Weekly Telegraph.
- Answers.
- London Opinion.
- Titbits.
- News of the World.
- Western Times.
- Illustrated.
- Picture Post.
§ Monthly:
- Strand Magazine.
- Trident.
- Scientific American.
§ Quarterly:
- Journal of the Nautical Research Society.
- The Seagoer.