HC Deb 18 January 1945 vol 407 cc352-3
52. Mr. De la Bère

asked the Minister of Health whether, in connection with the plan for a State medical service, he has taken cognizance of the surveys conducted by the British Institute of Public Opinion or other institutions or Press questionnaires; and whether it is his intention on future occasions to carry out some such survey in co-operation with the Ministry of Information.

Mr. Willink

I have naturally been interested to see any results of the various surveys and questionnaires on this subject but I myself have no official surveys of that kind in contemplation.

Mr. De la Bère

If the Government have no fact finding organisation, can it be wondered at if some of its legislation does not give the public what they desire? Will my right hon. Friend try to become aware of what the public do want?

Mr. Willink

I am discussing these proposals with the various organisations particularly concerned and we shall then submit legislation for the decision of Parliament.

Sir Henry Morris-Jones

Is it not a fact that a recent survey by the Institute mentioned showed that the public is entirely indifferent to the health service and ignorant of its existence?

Dr. Edith Summerskill

Is it not a fact that these surveys will not be satisfactory until the younger doctors can be consulted? Otherwise it will be top heavy with the opinion of old age.