HC Deb 16 January 1945 vol 407 cc17-8
30 and 31. Mr. Magnay

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power (1) why the Ewehurst Colliery, Dipton, has been closed by the order of his Regional Controller;

(2) if, in view of the fact that the shares of the Ewehurst Colliery Company are held by members of His Majesty's Forces, that the miners who have regularly worked there have petitioned to restart the colliery and guaranteed to produce an average of five tons per manshift at the coal face, with an average production of at least three tons per employee, a higher production than that of neighbouring collieries to which these miners have been transferred, he will reconsider his decision and reopen this colliery.

Major Lloyd George

This colliery has ceased production on at least three occasions, the last being in February, 1943, when, after discussion with my regional controller, the receiver and manager of the colliery agreed that he was unable to maintain production owing to lack of labour. Both underground workers then employed were transferred to other collieries. The withdrawal of these two men from collieries where they are regularly employed to a small undertaking from which production has in the past few years been intermittent is not justified and would not result in an increase in output.

Mr. Magnay

In view of the expected reply received, and the difference in the recital of the facts, I give notice now that I will raise this burning matter on the Adjournment.