HC Deb 28 February 1945 vol 408 c1368
43. Mr. Turton

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what steps are being taken by the Kenya Government to meet the serious situation caused by the increase in crimes of violence and larceny in the colony.

Colonel Stanley

This question is engaging the serious attention of the Kenya Government and was debated in the Legislative Council in January. The Commissioner of Police has established a flying squad, and the numbers of Asian, Arab and African police are being increased. Other remedial measures are under consideration.

Mr. Turton

Does not my right hon. and gallant Friend observe that at the Kenya Legislative Council it was suggested that sentences were not effective owing to fear of the views of the people of this country; and will he assure the Governor that this House will support all steps that are necessary to stamp out this wave of crime in Kenya?

Colonel Stanley

I am sure that if anybody is acting in that way, it would be under complete misapprehension as to the views of this House, which, obviously, is quite prepared for measures to be taken to stamp out these illegalities.