HC Deb 27 February 1945 vol 408 c1229
42. Mr. Mack

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power the cost of erecting the miners' hostel at Knutton, Staffordshire; the total accommodation provided in the hostel; and the number of boys directed to the mines resident there now, as well as the maximum number resident there at any time.

Major Lloyd George

The cost of erecting the hostel is expected to be about £95,000; it provides accommodation for 500, and on 20th February there were 330 residents, which was the maximum number up to that date.

Mr. Mack

Has the right hon. and gallant Gentleman any further particulars of the preceding period and is he satisfied that the hostel has been put to economical use?

Major Lloyd George

When the hostel was opened in the middle of September there were about 30 residents in the hostel. These hostels fill up according to the need for the men at the collieries which they serve. The number now is 330, to which it has risen from 36 in the early clays, and this is regarded as satisfactory.

Mr. Evelyn Walkden

Is it not also true that they empty quickly as soon as the young fellows find private billets, which they apparently prefer to these hostels?