HC Deb 08 February 1945 vol 407 cc2226-7
47. Commander Locker-Lampson

asked the Prime Minister whether he has any news of the fate of the two hon. Members of the House who are missing; and what steps are being taken to continue the search.

Mr. Attlee

I regret to have to inform the House that at the present moment there is no further news of the two hon. Members of this House who are missing. Search is being continued as closely as weather conditions permit and the House will be informed at the earliest opportunity of any further news.

Sir Hugh O'Neill

In view of the fact that a search has been carried on now for nearly a fortnight, and that presumably other investigations have been made, can the right hon. Gentleman not tell the House some further details in regard to the circumstances of this flight beyond what was stated by the Leader of the House a fortnight ago?

Mr. Attlee

If the right hon. Member will put down a Question, I will see what information can be given. We have not yet received a full report.

Sir R. Ross

Is the right hon. Gentleman satisfied that adequate search has been made on the East coast of the Adriatic opposite Bari?

Mr. Attlee

I have no details as to the exact search; I know a very full search is being made everywhere possible.

Sir H. O'Neill

Can the right hon. Gentleman at any rate say this: if this aeroplane has been forced down, was it probably in the mountains or in the sea?

Mr. Attlee

I have no information, but my impression was that it was in the sea. I have no further details than those I have already given to the House.

Sir H. Williams

Can my right hon. Friend say anything about the other terrible accident of which we have read this morning?

Mr. Attlee

I would rather have a Question put on the Paper about that.

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