HC Deb 06 February 1945 vol 407 c1868
1. Mr. Higgs

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power if any progress is being made in this country with the underground gasification of coal.

The Minister of Fuel and Power (Major Lloyd George)

My Ministry, with the advice of the Fuel Research organisation and the Geological Survey of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, is studying this question in order to determine whether geological and other conditions in any of the coalfields in this country are such as to justify experimental trials of the process.

Mr. Higgs

Is the right hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that this process has been developed to some considerable extent in Russia? Will he not accelerate the investigation?

Major Lloyd George

I have been in touch with Russia to try to get information from there. We have a lot of literature on the subject which has all been translated. As the result of that investigation the geological survey is also to be made.

Sir Herbert Williams

Has the right hon. and gallant Gentleman studied the researches of the late Professor Sir William Ramsay on the matter?

Captain Thorneycroft

Has the Russian Government been approached with a view to receiving a delegation?

Major Lloyd George

Twelve months ago I approached the Russian Ambassador here, for all the help that he could give me.