HC Deb 18 December 1945 vol 417 cc1244-5

Order read for consideration of Lords Amendments.

Ordered: That the Lords Amendments be now considered."—[Mr. Hynd.]

Lords Amendments considered accordingly.

Clause 2.—(Special provisions as to Members of home police forces.)

Lords Amendment: In page 3, line 9, after "Where ", insert: whether before or after the commencement of this Act,

9.53 P.m.

The Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster (Mr. John Hynd)

I beg to move, "That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said Amendment."

This Amendment is to fill a gap in the Bill. Under the Police & Firemen (War Service) Acts a police officer of a home police force who has joined the Armed forces has his police pension rights preserved if, but only if, he rejoins his home police force after he is released from the Armed Forces. The purpose of Subsection (3) of Clause 2 is to preserve those rights in the case of a police officer who, on release from the Armed Forces, joins one of the overseas police forces to which the Bill applies without first rejoining his home police force. The Clause as it stands does this if the transfer takes place after the Bill becomes law. In a few cases, however, men have already joined the Control Commission Force in Germany without first resuming duty with their home police force. The Amendment is designed to ensure that the operation of the Subsection will cover those cases retrospectively

Mr. Speaker

I have to inform the House that this Amendment is privileged, and I direct that a Special Entry be made.

Subsequent Lords Amendment to line 12 agreed to.[Special Entry.]

Resolved: That the Draft of the Special Order proposed to be made by the Minister of Fuel and Power under the Gas Undertakings Acts, 1920 to 1934, on the application of the Mayor Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Huddersfield, which was presented on 26th November and published, be approved." — [Mr. William, Foster.]