HC Deb 18 December 1945 vol 417 cc1102-3
83. Mr. Hulbert

asked the Minister of Labour to what extent the Control of Engagement Order is now proving an effective measure for filling the demands for labour in the Government order of priority.

Mr. Isaacs

The effectiveness of the Control of Engagement Order for filling priority demands for labour has progressively weakened with the increasing relaxation since VJ-Day in the use of the powers of direction. As the hon. Member will be aware, the scope of the Order is to be very considerably reduced as from 20th December, 1945, and steps will be taken to make it effective in respect of the classes to whom it still applies.

Mr. Hulbert

May I ask what steps the Minister will take to make it effective?

Mr. Isaacs

All steps that are permissible under the Act, including taking prosecutions, should it be necessary.

87. Viscount Hinchingbrooke

asked the Minister of Labour in what industries and services will men of ages 30 and under, who have been released from the Forces in Class A, become subject to the Essential Work Order or Control of Engagement Order after 20th December.

Mr. Isaacs

The Essential Work Orders apply to men and women of all ages employed in firms which are scheduled under the Orders. About 150 industries and services are now covered by the Orders, but as I have already announced they are being reviewed. The Control of Engagement Order now applies only to men, up to and including age 30, and covers all classes of employment with a few exceptions of which the most important are employment in agriculture in England and Wales, managerial employment and most professional administrative and executive employments.

Viscount Hinchingbrooke

Would the right hon. Gentleman direct his mind to the Question? Does he not follow that I am trying to ask him to what extent controls are going to apply to men who have left the Forces under Class A and are under 30?

Mr. Isaacs

It depends on several circumstances, which it is difficult to explain fully; but I should be glad to have a word with the Noble Lord. It is a question whether they claim the right of reinstatement, whether they remain in the job they were doing and other factors of that kind, but men under the age of 30 who have no job to go to will be subject to direction.

Viscount Hinchingbrooke

Could we not have a comprehensive statement about their position before the Recess?

Mr. Isaacs

I am not sure about before the Recess, but I will make a full statement as soon as possible.

Mr. R. S. Hudson

Does that apply to men who find jobs for themselves before their leave is up?

Mr. Isaacs

No, men who find jobs for themselves will be allowed to retain them.