HC Deb 13 December 1945 vol 417 cc603-4
36. Brigadier Medlicott

asked the Minister of Education if the outstanding points which have been delaying the construction of a school canteen at Rack- heath, Norfolk, have now been disposed of; and if the Ministry of Works have been asked to commence the work.

Miss Wilkinson

No, Sir. The Norfolk County Council will not consent under the Ribbon Development Act, 1935, to the building proposed by their Education Committee, although they state that its removal would not be enforced until the end of the war period. I have informed the authority that I am unable to approve the work unless the county council will undertake to bear the cost of replacing the building without Exchequer aid if it were demolished before its useful life for school meals had expired but I have not yet received a reply.

Brigadier Medlicott

Is the right hon. Lady aware that this modest project has been under consideration for 2¼ years, and could she not use her influence and, if necessary, her authority to bring it to a head so that these children can have the facilities so lacking in this respect?

Miss Wilkinson

I am worried about it, and we are looking into it.