HC Deb 12 December 1945 vol 417 cc389-90
30. Commander Pursey

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty the names of the Governors of the Royal Hospital School, Holbrook, their duties and the interest they represent; how often they are required to meet and have, in fact, met; and whether he will consider the appointment of one or more governors to represent the interests of the applicants for entry, in particular, orphan boys from poor families.

Mr. Alexander

As the answer to this Question contains a list of names, I will, with my hon. and gallant Friend's per mission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL Report.

Following is the answer:

The Board of Admiralty, as Trustees of Greenwich Hospital, are responsible for the governance of the school, and matters affecting the school are dealt with by the Board in the same way as other Admiralty business.

There is a Standing Advisory Committee, composed as follows:

Chairman: Mr. R. W. Moore, Head master of Harrow.

Members: Mr. C. M. Cox, T.D., Headmaster of Berkhampstead; Mr. L. R. Nissen, M.C., Secretary to the East Suffolk Education Committee; Mr. Henry Morris, C.B.E., Director of Education for Cambridgeshire; Rear-Admiral J. W. Durnford, Director of Naval Training; Instructor Captain W. I. Saxton, O.B.E., Director of Education Department, Admiralty; Sir J. Sidney Barnes, K.B.E., C.P., Director of Greenwich Hospital.

The Board look to this committee for advice on all educational matters concerning the school, including the qualifications of candidates. This committee meets about once a quarter, or more frequently if required; and I am satisfied that the interests of applicants for entry, and in particular of orphan boys, are adequately safeguarded.

31. Commander Pursey

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty the ages between which boys are eligible for entry into the Royal Hospital School, Holbrook; the physical standard required; the educational standard required; and whether he will arrange for copies of the last educational examination papers to be placed in the Library of the House.

Mr. Alexander

Boys are eligible for ad mission between the ages of 11 and 14 years. In the case of boys whose fathers are living, applications for admission are not accepted after they are 13 years of age unless special reasons are given for the delay in application which may be made when boys reach nine years of age. The physical standard required aims at the boy being able to reach the medical standard for entry to the Royal Navy at the appropriate age. The standard of vision required on entry has recently been re viewed and reduced.

Candidates must also show promise of ultimately reaching the educational standard required for entry to the Royal Navy. In the case of fatherless boys, it is now sufficient that they shall be capable of benefiting from the education the school offers. I am arranging for a copy of the last educational examination paper to be placed in the Library of the House.

32. Commander Pursey

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty the number of boys in the last entry into the Royal Hospital School, Holbrook, who had, respectively, lost both parents or father or mother, or had both parents living.

Mr. Alexander

Of the 35 boys entered at the last entry, one had lost both parents, 21 had lost either father or mother, and 13 had both parents living.

Commander Pursey

Will the right hon. Gentleman say whether or not originally this school was primarily intended for orphans, and will he ensure that orphans of men who lost their lives in the service of their country shall receive first consideration?

Mr. Alexander

That obtains already.