HC Deb 04 December 1945 vol 416 c2095
51. Mr. Chamberlain

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many vacancies in the basic executive and clerical grades of the Civil Service have been filled since the end of the war by persons aged 30 to 55 years; what proportion of the total postwar permanent Civil Service intake this represents; and whether he will give an assurance that a temporary clerk aged 38 years with five years' service who has matriculated will have an opportunity either of being nominated for the permanent service or of entering the competitive examination therefor.

Mr. Dalton

The answer is detailed, and I will, with permission, circulate it.

Following is the information:

No such vacancies have yet been filled, but arrangements are in progress for the filling of 350 vacancies in the basic executive grade of the Civil Service, and 2,000 vacancies in the basic clerical grade, by the establishment of temporary civil servants between the ages of 30 and 55. A further 400 clerical vacancies will be filled in this way towards the end 0I the reconstruction period. These figures represent 15 per cent. of the accrued vacancies in the grades in question. Any temporary clerk aged 38 who has had two years or more of continuous service is eligible for consideration for establishment in this way.