HC Deb 04 December 1945 vol 416 c2177

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Clause stand part of the Bill."

Mr. C. Williams

I would ask for information upon one point in order to help me in explaining the Bill. I think the Clause is clear; it is for the purpose of registration, but I do want to know precisely who the "proper officer" is who is referred to in line 12 on page 6. We should know that, and also if there is to be a definite register to which the ordinary individual can refer and where it will be kept. Will it be kept by the local authority or by some Government Department? I ask this because without such information I should not be in a position to explain these things in my division, and my constituents are very interested in them. Further, we as Members ought to know where the register is to be, who is the "officer." and how he is appointed. That might save us having to write quite a number of letters to the Government in the future. I feel this would both help the Government and help hon. Members opposite who have had so many letters to write.

Mr. Bevan

The answer to the first question is that it is the local authority. The proper officer would be the clerk of the authority or any person appointed to perform these particular functions.

Mr. Williams

I thank the right hon. Gentleman. I can see the relief spreading over the faces of the hon. Members behind him. I only hope his explanation was adequate enough—it was not very full—to relieve their worst fears.

Clause ordered to stand part of the Bill.