HC Deb 04 December 1945 vol 416 cc2178-9
Mr. Bevan

I beg to move, in page 8, line 34, leave out Subsection(2).

This Amendment is moved in order to prepare the way for the proposed new Clause which is on the Paper.

Mr. C. Williams

I think the Clause is very much better with the words left in. I did understand what it meant, and though I cannot now discuss the next Clause I only say that I should very much regret to see the omission of the words of this Subsection: The provisions of this Act relating to the rent and purchase price of houses shall not extend to Northern Ireland. I cannot understand why they should not extend to Northern Ireland. When the new Clause that is following is passed, Northern Ireland will come in under exactly the same conditions with respect to the rest of the Bill. It seems remarkable suddenly to change a Clause in this respect with absolutely no explanation.

Mr. Bevan

The answer is that if the hon. Member is courageous enough to enter into conflict with Northern Ireland, I do not share his courage. It is done at the request of the Northern Ireland Parliament. It has become the practice to accede to their requests. We do it in this form, and I would plead with the hon. Member not to throw that very succulent apple of discord across the Floor of the Chamber.

Mr. C. Williams

I would not wish to throw the apple of discord into these proceedings. I would not do anything contrary to the best interests of the people of Northern Ireland because I have worked with them for a long time and I have real sympathy with them. As I have received some little satisfaction from the right hon. Gentleman—not very much—I assure him that my intentions are always peaceful and I am never likely to be quarrelsome as are some of the hon. and right hon. Gentlemen opposite.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause, as amended, ordered to stand part of the Bill.