HC Deb 03 December 1945 vol 416 cc1892-3
44. Mr. Spearman

asked the Minister of Supply and of Aircraft Production what quantity of cloth is now held by Government Departments; and what steps are being taken to dispose of it.

Sir S. Cripps

I have been asked to reply. Some of the cloth held by Government Departments is required for Service needs and for clothing for demobilised men, but 16½ million yards of cloth of various kinds is available for disposal. Cotton and rayon cloth is disposed of through British Overseas Cottons, Ltd., and wool cloth through the Wool Industry Surplus Cloth Corporation, Ltd. Most of these cloths will be available for the home market, while silk cloth will be sold to exporters. Arrangements for disposing of linen cloth, at home or for export, according to the type of cloth, are practically complete.

Mr. Spearman

In view of the urgent civilian needs, would it not be possible for the right hon. Gentleman to accelerate these arrangements for disposal?

Sir S. Cripps

They are being accelerated, and large quantities have already been disposed of.

Mr. Hector Hughes

Can ray right hon. Friend say if some of this cloth can be made available without coupons for uniforms for charitable organisations like the Church Army?

Sir S. Cripps

No, Sir.