HC Deb 23 August 1945 vol 413 cc787-8
54. Major Baker White

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether, in view of the fact that women members of His Majesty's Forces receive, on release, a cash grant for the purchase of civilian clothing and a supply of coupons, he will, in consultation with the other Ministers concerned, make the necessary arrangements for members of the uniformed W.L.A. to receive similar treatment.

55. Mr. George Thomas

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he will reconsider the question of the W.L.A. being treated on an equality with other Services in regard to gratuity.

Mr. T. Williams

Representations in favour of the extension to the W.L.A. of the benefits given to ex-Service women and members of the Civil Defence Services were after full consideration rejected by the late Government for reasons explained to the House at the time. I have since re-examined the matter most sympathetically but I am afraid that I am unable to hold out any hope of a reversal of the previous decision.

Mrs. Manning

Is this a premeditated device of the Department of my right hon. Friend to freeze the women out of the Land Army both metaphysically and physically?

Hon. Members


Mr. De la Bère

The right hon. Gentleman should give them a square deal.