HC Deb 23 August 1945 vol 413 c793
The Secretary of State for War (Mr, J. J. Lawson)

May I ask the permission of the House to give some news about prisoners and civilian internees in the Far East, which reached us light night from the International Red Cross Committee? Dr. Marcel Junod, who reached Japan early this month to become Chief International Red Cross Committee Delegate in the Far East has informed us of the following developments: (1) The Japanese Government have, in response to his request, given orders to increase the rations of all prisoners of war and civilian internees. (2) The Japanese Government have agreed to teams of Protecting Power representatives and International Red Cross Committee delegates being sent to the seven main camps in Japan to supervise conditions of evacuation to embarkation centres. (3) The Japanese Government have requested similar assistance in Manchuria, Korea, China, Malaya, Indo-China, Siam, and the Netherlands East Indies and International Red Cross Committee delegates have, for the first time, been appointed in Singapore, Saigon (Indo-China), Bangkok (Siam), Batavia (Java), Sumatra and Borneo, where they will be assisting representatives of the Protecting Power. Dr. Junod has been able to telegraph all necessary instructions to all International Red Cross Committee delegates. That is all the news I have so far. We will, of course, issue any further news that reaches us at once. In the meantime, I am sure the House will wish me to express our appreciation of this renewed evidence of the zeal which the International Red Cross Committee, as well as the Protecting Power, have never failed to show in the face of much discouragement in the past, for the welfare of our people in Japanese hands.